My interest in moral emotions centers on compassion and how it can help with mental well-being. I am curious about other moral emotions like gratitude, guilt, or awe, and if technology can be incorporated to explore them. Here is my presentation on Vincent, a chatbot for self-compassion. I discussed Vincent on a show called Erik Scherder Onderzoekt on NPO2 (Dutch TV) for a special on loneliness (I appear from 22:08 onward and talk in English). In an interview for Zeus Jones' Athena, I talked about AI, artificial agents, and emotions. I was also on the Anomalous Mind, a podcast on mental health. In line with my continuing resarch on conversational agents, I received a personal grant from Alzheimer Nederland to study compassionate conversations for dementia care.

I did my PhD at the TU/e's Human-Technology Interaction and Philosophy & Ethics groups. My dissertation was on interactional morality. Previously, I studied Human Centered Multimedia at University of Amsterdam, Philosophy at University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, and Digital Arts at Pratt Institute where I created works like an animated short that was apparently banned by a festival. More information can be found on my CV.

Currently, I am grateful to work with Yvon Ruitenburg, Rucha Khot, Gizem Oktay, and Yuhui Xu as doctoral researchers I supervise. My home base is Atlas (pictured here) where the Industrial Design department is located in Eindhoven. Check out our latest research. I am affiliated with the Center for Humans and Technology of the TU/e and the Distributed and Interactive Systems (DIS) group of Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), the Dutch research institute for mathematics and computer science in Amsterdam.


Please get in touch if you are interested in checking out any of the papers that are not accessible to you. A comprehensive list can be found on my Google Scholar page.